


Feature #72

Updated by koszko over 1 year ago

Besides making fixes for sites like Odysee, YouTube, Vimeo, etc., we could also go further and create standalone ephemeral sites available as Hydrilla packages. One of the use cases would be for pulling content from multiple sites and presenting it in a uniform interface. For example, we could have a single page that presents video search results from multiple video-sharing sites at once[^reasoning]. once*.

Another use-case would be for tools or games that have been written as html pages with js and work in a browser but don't actually rely on any service (other that the HTTP server that serves the actual page).

[^reasoning]: \* If anybody is wondering about the point of making a generic interface for a set of sites, consider it as a cool way to undermine the hegemony of giants like Google and Microsoft. A custom inteface for Google or GitHub by itself would only attract some users. A custom interface that works with other video sharing sites or other git hosting sites and presents their contents in a uniform way would have a chance of attracting more and would make it easier and more appealing for people to switch to more ethical services of given kind

