



Haketilo Software Bill of Materials » History » Revision 5

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koszko, 02/23/2022 07:12 PM
fix link to the other SBoM part

Software Bill of Materials - Hydrilla

Software Bill of Materials (SBoM) lists external components used or included in a given software product.

You may also want to look at the SBoM of Haketilo and a concatenated plain text version.

Note: This SBoM corresponds to the upcoming Hydrilla version 1.0 written in Python.
Note: This SBoM lists both the dependencies of the actual Hydrilla server and of Hydrilla Builder (which the server relies upon).

Incorporated code

Currently none

External dependencies


Python is needed to both build and run Hydrilla. At least version 3.7 is required.


field value
name pytest
version no known constraints (6.0.2 used in development)
copyright 2004-2020 Holger Krekel and others
license MIT (Expat)
upstream url

Pytest is used in automated tests of Hydrilla.


field value
name setuptools
version >=45 (52.0.0 used in development)
copyright Jason R. Coombs
license MIT (Expat)
upstream url

Setuptools are used to build Hydrilla.


field value
name setuptools_scm
version >=5.0 (5.0 used in development)
copyright Ronny Pfannschmidt <> and contributors
license MIT (Expat)
upstream url

setuptools_scm is used as a setuptools plugin to extract some VCS data when building from git repo.

Babel (Python library)

field value
name babel
version no known constraints (2.8.0 used in development)
copyright 2013-2019 the Babel Team
license BSD-3-Clause
upstream url

Babel is used as a setuptools plugin to work with message catalogs. It is required when building Hydrilla but not in runtime.

jsonschema (Python library)

field value
name jsonschema
version >=3.0 (3.2.0 used in development)
copyright 2011-2019 Julian Berman and contributors
license MIT (Expat)
upstream url

This library is used to validate JSON documents loaded by Hydrilla.


field value
name flask
version no known constraints (1.0.2 used in development)
copyright 2010-2021 Pallets
license BSD-3-Clause
upstream url


field value
name click
version no known constraints (7.1.2 used in development)
copyright 2014-2020 Pallets
license BSD-3-Clause
upstream url

Updated by koszko over 1 year ago · 5 revisions

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