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koszko, 09/10/2021 06:18 PM
list Hachette's known limitations

Known limitations

We list surprising, non-obvious issues and possible privacy shortcomings in version 0.1 of Hachette.

  • Hachette currently uses short-lived cookies tu smuggle settings to its content scripts. Although partially worked around using outgoing response filtering and unlikely to happen in practice, cookies might leak and website owner could use them to learn that user's browser has Hachette running in it. We are investigating possible solutions.
  • Currently, user scripts can only be injected to HTML pages.
  • Currently, user scripts under Mozilla-based browsers may fail to run on pages loaded from file:// schema.
  • On some (Mozilla-based) browsers Hachette might disrupt XML preview.
  • Hachette doesn't have additional features one could expect from a content blocker:
    • There is currently no option to disable Service Workers while allowing normal scripts to execute.
    • There is currently no option to disable loading of external/third-party fonts that are used by Google for snooping on internet users.
  • There is currently no facility to anonimize queries Hachette makes to its script repositories. This means a bad admin of a Hydrilla instance could see the sites for which a Hachette user tried to find custom scripts.
  • Hachette is still missing:
    • UI Translations
    • Accessiblity features
    • Mobile support
  • There are likely bugs.

Updated by koszko almost 2 years ago · 1 revisions

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