


Use cases » History » Version 3

jahoti, 09/12/2021 10:58 PM
Rename "Hachette" to "Haketilo"

1 1 jahoti
# Use cases
3 3 jahoti
Haketilo can be used to help computer users gain control over their web browsing. For a long time, major web browsers by themselves have been giving users little choice but to view a website almost exactly as it is served to them by an HTTP server. Whether or not its javascript is malicious - it is executed. Whether or not the user likes its interface - it is not possible to simply substitute it with another one. Neither is it possible to provide an independent translation of a web page for others to use. Websites with accessibility problems mostly retain them until their owners make a redesign with accessibility in mind. It is also difficult to use some sites on mobile and other small devices or with slow and unstable internet connection because webmasters often don't, or didn't, account for that.
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Over time many browser extensions have appeared that could help solve some of these issues. There are ad blockers that got very popular as a result of annoying advertisements becoming too pervasive. There are also blockers of other types of content that can be used to automatically block some kinds of spyware, selectively disable javascript or third-party connections on web pages and even enhance sites with custom user scripts. Some web browsers even have these functionalities built in.
While tools like those described above continue to exist and serve their users, they are usually limited to doing just one of those things and don't provide the high extent of control some people need. This extension is meant to be a basis for a bigger, browser- and extension-agnostic platform with its own public script repositories that would allow for:
* javascript and other types of unwanted content to be blocked when browsing
* custom javascript to be run on sites, for example to:
10 2 jahoti
    * [[Support for software freedom|fix sites that stop working after their original, proprietary, spyware-encumbered javascript is disabled]]
11 1 jahoti
    * add features
    * have full control over the script
* custom interfaces to be provided for websites, for example to:
    * make heavy sites usable on resource-constrained devices
    * make sites accessible
    * be able to use them more conveniently
    * aggregate content from many websites in one place
    * add even better features
* site descriptions to be shared, together with comments and opinions
* lightweight and ethical website design to be promoted