



From 01/24/2022 to 02/22/2022


12:41 PM Feature #60 (Closed): Parameterize operation of Hydrilla
New, Python implementation of Hydrilla has a reasonable command-line arguments support (made in [Click](https://click... koszko
12:39 PM Feature #57 (Closed): Optimize URL querying
URL querying using properly suited data structures is the default in new Hydrilla koszko
12:38 PM Feature #56 (Closed): Write some automated tests
New, Python implementation of Hydrilla comes with a test suite koszko
12:38 PM Feature #61 (Rejected): Make it possible to block requests from certain IP addresses
Not relevant for the new, Python version of Hydrilla which will use WSGI
12:36 PM Feature #87 (In Progress): Move Hydrilla to the new bags/pages schema
Most of the work has been done and pushed to relevant repositories koszko

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