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hydrilla-builder / .gitmodules @ f42f5c19

# Date Author Comment
f42f5c19 05/31/2022 03:17 PM koszko

incorporate version 2 of Hydrilla JSON schemas

61f0aa75 05/10/2022 12:41 PM koszko

support piggybacking on APT packages

fbb39772 04/22/2022 03:58 PM koszko

use pyproject.toml for pytest configuration and move all tests to tests/ directory

ad4331a4 02/07/2022 07:04 PM koszko

facilitate for including other schemas in submodule and expose them to other packages

16eaeb86 02/07/2022 04:51 PM koszko

move to a namespace package under 'hydrilla'

5ac7ec33 02/04/2022 02:34 PM koszko

initial commit