Feature #85
Make Haketilo use the same format as Hydrilla for import and export of settings
In Progress
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I just realized it should be possible to access entire directories:
Hence, this
Related issues
Updated by jahoti about 2 years ago
Is the Hydrilla format stable? If not, is it worth waiting for that first or should this be easy enough to do now?
Updated by koszko about 2 years ago
jahoti wrote:
Is the Hydrilla format stable? If not, is it worth waiting for that first or should this be easy enough to do now?
Definitely wait. I added this issue in advance, it will only become relevant at some point
Updated by koszko about 2 years ago
- Blocked by Feature #87: Move Hydrilla to the new bags/pages schema added
Updated by koszko over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Make Hachette use the same format as Hydrilla for import and export of settings to Make Haketilo use the same format as Hydrilla for import and export of settings