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Revision 753fd58a

Added by koszko over 1 year ago

make README table proper Markdown

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64 64
Running tests requires you to pass some additional information to `configure`. Relevant options are:
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| **option name**  | **explanation**                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
|------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| `BROWSER_BINARY` | Path to the browser's binary executable. Under many scenarios the browser executable in `PATH` is a shell wrapper around the actual binary. Selenium will refuse to work with that and instead requires the binary to be passed (e.g. `/usr/lib/abrowser/abrowser` instead of `/usr/bin/abrowser`                                                                                     |
69 69
| `CLEAN_PROFILE`  | Path to a directory with browser profile that is *"clean"*, i.e. has all extensions disabled. This is to mitigate the fact that some browsers pick up globally-installed extensions when creating a new profile for testing and these could interfere with our automated tests. This option can currently be skipped because all tests written so far run the browser in safe mode.  |
70 70
| `DRIVER`         | Selenium driver command (e.g. `geckodriver`).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |

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