




| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

haketilo / common @ bbc9fae4

Name Size
broadcast.js 3.97 KB
browser.js 1.27 KB
entities.js 5.33 KB
indexeddb.js 15.9 KB
jsonschema.js 3.04 KB
message_server.js 3.7 KB
misc.js 3.72 KB
patterns.js 6.68 KB
patterns_query_tree.js 9.71 KB
policy.js 4.02 KB
sha256.js 18 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
bbc9fae4 03/24/2022 08:43 PM koszko

serialize and deserialize entire Response object when relaying fetch() calls to other contexts using sendMessage

aa34ed46 03/11/2022 01:04 PM koszko

make the order of rules in generated CSP deterministic

This is purely to help with automated testing.

26459fb4 03/10/2022 11:43 AM koszko

treat "view-source:" pages as privileged

4970930c 03/04/2022 05:25 PM koszko

prepend all generated console messages with 'Haketilo:'

c8294257 03/04/2022 04:13 PM koszko

optimize Pattern Query Tree for size of its JSON.stringify()'ed representation

57ce414c 03/04/2022 04:13 PM koszko

validate repository responses against JSON schemas

  • compute_scripts.awk (include_file): don't enforce specific path format on #INCLUDE'd files
  • .gitmodules, schemas: add Haketilo JSON schemas subrepo
  • html/install.js (InstallView): import schema validator and run it against downloaded mapping and resource definitions...
17e66592 02/28/2022 04:01 PM koszko

change copyright notice of js-sha256 code to be exactly the same as in upstream's LICENSE.txt

  • common/sha256.js: removed email address from the copyright line
72553a2d 02/16/2022 10:12 AM koszko

assume and use "$schema" properties in item definitions

5ed09841 02/15/2022 02:22 PM koszko

fix loading initial data and verify it in automated tests

92fc67cf 02/15/2022 01:18 PM koszko

change store names and data keys to singular

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