



From 10/08/2022 to 11/06/2022


11:16 AM Site script request/donation #124: WIP GitHub registration script
Disgusting. Well, good to know at least.
Would be cool to at some point spend more time RE-ing this kind of stuff ...
08:28 AM Site script request/donation #124: WIP GitHub registration script
Also this looks like it has some information about solving visual CAPTCHAs, but I haven't looked into it much: https:... jacobk
08:23 AM Site script request/donation #124: WIP GitHub registration script
I found some information about "bda" that looks like it would be very useful if GitHub decides to start checking for ... jacobk
06:33 AM Feature #132 (New): [app-box-com-fix] Add support for nested folders
I added support for nested folders, plus some groundwork for supporting forms (so far only forms that don't exist are... jacobk
05:25 AM Feature #127: [Box] Support v type URLs
Based on the presence of postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-item"].vanityName, I think the v stands for "vani... jacobk


07:22 AM Site script request/donation #124: WIP GitHub registration script
jacobk wrote:
> The fix as it is now is maybe good enough to publish.
Thanks! I'll look at it soon.
> there ar...
04:26 AM Site script request/donation #124: WIP GitHub registration script
Oops, the duplicate comments are because of Abrowser showing an HTTPS-Only Mode warning when I try to submit, but the... jacobk
04:24 AM Site script request/donation #124: WIP GitHub registration script
The fix as it is now is maybe good enough to publish. It's now usable entirely through the GUI, but audio CAPTCHA is ... jacobk

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